Friday, December 30, 2011

My new Addiction... Star Wars: The Old Republic

   Hey remember when I said I created this blog because I thought my computer wouldn't be able to run the Star Wars: The Old Republic game? Well it turns out my computer can run it! Although the graphics quality is super low I still LOVE this game. To be honest the only other MMORPG that I have ever played was World of Warcraft which didn't really hold my attention for to long. I always found that when I wasn't playing with friends it was boring and the quests weren't compelling. I don't find that to be true of the Old Republic since ever single quest in the game is voice-acted.  

My Bounty Hunter Jarc

                 decided to start up a bounty hunter for my first character (yeah I know it's one of the most played class on the Old Republic) I named him Jarc and begin my adventure. The bounty hunter story starts off with you arriving on the planet Hutta, home of the Hutts(Jabba the Hutt from Return of the Jedi is a Hutt) I meet with my team first composed of three people ones and older man who's name escapes me, another is a girl named Mako(Who eventually becomes your companion) and then an alien who's name also escapes me. My first mission is to make a reputation for myself on Hutta to get the attention of the gang-lord in the area so he will give me his sponsorship to join in with the Great Hunt, a tournament for the best bounty hunters in the galaxy. 
         My people will argue that The Old Republic is basically World Of Warcraft re-skinned to look like Star Wars, and for the most part thats true but there is just enough differences between the two games that The Old Republic doesn't feeling like a complete clone. One of the good things about The Old Republic being so much like World of Warcraft is that there is virtually no learning curve, in fact I didn't even have to use almost any of the tutorial except for the one explaining how Companions and Crafting work. The Old Republic has met all of my expectations that I had set for, and thankfully them already have 1 million subscribers which means that they will most certainly develop more and more content for it. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Comic Book Write-Up (12/21/11)

Avengers #20
                     In this issue we find ourselves right where the last one left off, with the Avengers announcing their new line-up then Norman Osborn shows up and ruins their show. He goes on and on how he was held without trial and how he is going to come back and reclaim The Avengers. Red Hulk shuts his hologram down and then the Avengers go into red alert and search for where Osborn may be hiding out. My favorite part of this issue is when Hawkeye says that everything Osborn said wasn't wrong, how they imprisoned him without trial and whatnot. But in the end I found the book kinda slow and missing a certain something, it wasn't the art since I love David Acuna's work on this book and others that he has done. So it falls to Bendis, I understand he is doing a build up for the final show-down but it doesn't have to be slow it can be fast and fun like the New Avengers right now. I actually like the New Avengers stuff alot more than the Avengers stuff right now due to it being fast-paced and interesting. All and all I'll continue on the for the rest of Bendis's run on it. 
NO THUMBS(Neither Good Nor Bad)

Justice League #4
           Aqua-man is the newest addition to the Justice League making his debut in this issue. He shows his unique power early on by having some sharks jump up and bite into some of Darksied's minions. The only thing I didn't like was how different Johns writes Aqua-Man in this issue from how he writes it him in the Aqua-man title. This issue also saw the birth of Cyborg, one of my favorite characters. After Cyborg awakes from his transformation he runs off and then gets teleported to the rest of new heroes of the world. My question is, if Cyborg is with the Justice League from the beginning will he be more of a higher profile hero? Anyway on the final pages of the issue we see the first new 52 appearance of Darksied. I still not one-hundred percent sure that I'll keep up with the series after the current arc but we'll see.

Batman #4
    Remember that explosion from last issue and how DC played it up, when it was nothing the fearless Batman couldn't handle! This book has been really good thus far, sure in this issue it slows down quite a bit but that doesn't stop it from being a good book. In it we see Bruce's 'first case' when right after his parents' death he was convinced that the Court Of Owls had killed his parents. His search however had come up with nothing. After the story of his first case Batman goes into the sewers to the location of his great great grandfather's death. He is then confronted by the talon and is pushed into a pit in which he lands in a maze. Again not the most exciting issue but still good.

Uncanny X-Force #19
                The Dark Angel Saga has ended! Warren no longer remembers who he is, Genesis is the clone of Apocalypse and is being sent to Wolverine's school, the Nightcrawler of The Age Of Apocalypse Universe is staying here to hunt down Dark Beast. This issue is an in-between wrap-up/lead-in for the series. All the people from The AOA Universe(except AOA Nightcrawler) go back back home, before going Wolverine gives AOA Sabertooth the same sword he used to kill the 616 version of him, which I found pretty amusing. What I hated about this issue was the art, it was horrible. Every single character had huge ears and it almost made the issue unreadable. If I didn't really like the Dark Angel saga I would have skipped this issue. But like I said before I'll continue with this series as long as Reminder is writing it.

Venom #11
              Flash Thompson has went AWOL and is now going to Las Vegas to collect something for the Crime-Master since he is blackmailing him. Pretty straight forward story, nothing too out there. Although we do find out the origin of the Jack O'lantern in this issue and see Venom and Jack rescue some miners. The scene where they rescue the miners has the best art of the whole book, in it you can see dust particles in the air and the miner's lamps have the light blur effect that was made popular by the recent Star Trek movie. And although the cover points to Flash using his sobriety he does not. The issue was good I thought, I look forward to the Red Hulk finding Venom and having a show down and also the Eddie Brock story being fulfilled.  

Wolverine and the X-men
     I really liked Schism, well except for the last two issues but other than that it was a great event book, so when I heard that Wolverine would have his own school I had to sign up for the book. And this issue keeps on delivering want I what from it. I really liked how it focused on Quentin Quire for the majority of the issue and how in the end he was the one that saved the day. My favorite scene was at the end when he is sitting on a beach chair and has a sign that says 'Send more Sentinels' I look forward to seeing where Jason Aaron takes the school.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Comic Book Write-Up 12/14/12 Light Week


Avenger X-Sanction #1
          I wasn't super looking forward to Avengers X-Sanction, Jeph Loeb's(the writer) work recently has been quite awful. But I love Cable, he is definitively one of my top ten favorite X-men. But unfortunately this book was awful! It didn't even fully explain not only how Cable surived but also how the hell he traveled through time. I also found the whole "I only have x amount of hours to finish my mission" both overused and cliche. Will I continue on this book? Yes, why? Because it's supposed to lead into the whole Avengers VS. X-Men event, and that is something that I'm looking forward to.

Batman and Robin #4
     Let's be honest Batman and Robin will never be as good as it was when Grant Morrision wrote it, but I feel that this recent arc has brought Batman and Robin back to one of the books I look forward to. The new villain/anti-hero Nobody has finally attacked Bruce and Damian directly and has caused their relationship to become more strained then ever. My favorite part in this issue is when Alfred is talking to Bruce and tells him how Damian has finally had that moment where he realized just how human Bruce is. I wonder how Nobody mentoring Robin will go, will Robin cross the line that Bruce has put in place?

Green Lantern #4
        Meh. Meh is the exact feeling I've had for the New Green Lantern series, it's been neither good nor bad. I kinda liked the whole Sinestro going back to Korugar to see that his corp has enslaved his people. But what was up with that ending? I was hoping that the fellow prisoners would help Hal and Sinestro, but instead they attack him. What the hell?
Uncanny X-Force #18
    I love Rick Remeder's work. Between X-Force and Venom his stuff has been amazing, which is why I've been looking forward to the final issue of the Dark Angel Saga. And trust me it does not disappoint. My favorite part of the issue was when Angel lives out his live in a dream, similar to Inception. I definitively look forward to reading how this event effects the team.
Action Comics #4
              So far Action Comics has been a great title. Morrison has gotten me into a character that I found highly overrated. In this issue we see an alien virus infect machines throughout the Metropolis, including John Corben. They attack Supes and when it looks like they might beat him Steel shows up and knocks-out Corben. The issue gets really fuzzy after that because you don't quite know what happened. It seems like Metropolis was extracted from the earth and is now part of an alien collection, but I'm not one hundred percent sure. That is the only part of the book I didn't like. However I loved the Steel back-up at the end of the book. I like how he is kinda short and scrawny compared to the old Steel. But all and all I liked the book and look forward to the explanation of what happened to Metropolis.
                                                                           THUMBS UP

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

First Post!

   Hello fellow internet users, my name is Jake, I am what many consider to be a "Nerd". I am considered this because I've read hundreds upon hundreds of comic books, I play at least 10 hours of video games a week and 30 hours at the most, I've watch hundreds of hours of Television(Mostly Sci-fi). So yes I am a Nerd. It's me being a nerd that lead to the creation of this blog. You see it was Tuesday December 13, 2011, I was really pumped up for the release of Star Wars The Old Republic  and was browsing the net looking at stuff for it. I then realized that my humble computer may not be able to run the game. I then looked up the required specs for it and what do you know my computer cannot run it. I literary almost had a nervous breakdown. Not only was the game coming out in less than a week but I also didn't have any money to upgrade my laptop or buy a desktop since I had just purchased a HDTV. I was royally screwed(do people still say that?) I was put into a sour mood so I scoured the net. And then an idea popped into my head, why don't I create a blog to keep my mind off of SWTOR. And thus Jake The Nerd was born.

Heres what the blog will feature:
*Once a week I will make a list of what comics I read this week and of those which ones I liked.
*I'll post my misadventures in gaming, I'm currently playing Skyrim, Alan Wake, and Minecraft.
*I'll tell you what I think about the shows I watch, I currently watch Person of Interest, Parks and Rec,            
  Community, Big Bang Theory, The Walking Dead, Chuck, Misfits, Psych, and I'm rewatching some of Star    
  Trek The Next Generation. I hope to start watching the Star Gate Series from beginning to end.