Tuesday, December 13, 2011

First Post!

   Hello fellow internet users, my name is Jake, I am what many consider to be a "Nerd". I am considered this because I've read hundreds upon hundreds of comic books, I play at least 10 hours of video games a week and 30 hours at the most, I've watch hundreds of hours of Television(Mostly Sci-fi). So yes I am a Nerd. It's me being a nerd that lead to the creation of this blog. You see it was Tuesday December 13, 2011, I was really pumped up for the release of Star Wars The Old Republic  and was browsing the net looking at stuff for it. I then realized that my humble computer may not be able to run the game. I then looked up the required specs for it and what do you know my computer cannot run it. I literary almost had a nervous breakdown. Not only was the game coming out in less than a week but I also didn't have any money to upgrade my laptop or buy a desktop since I had just purchased a HDTV. I was royally screwed(do people still say that?) I was put into a sour mood so I scoured the net. And then an idea popped into my head, why don't I create a blog to keep my mind off of SWTOR. And thus Jake The Nerd was born.

Heres what the blog will feature:
*Once a week I will make a list of what comics I read this week and of those which ones I liked.
*I'll post my misadventures in gaming, I'm currently playing Skyrim, Alan Wake, and Minecraft.
*I'll tell you what I think about the shows I watch, I currently watch Person of Interest, Parks and Rec,            
  Community, Big Bang Theory, The Walking Dead, Chuck, Misfits, Psych, and I'm rewatching some of Star    
  Trek The Next Generation. I hope to start watching the Star Gate Series from beginning to end. 

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